The City Arts of San Mateo is dedicated to providing the opportunity for you to enjoy and participate in the arts in San Mateo. We seek to promote and celebrate performing, visual and literary art in San Mateo.
Founded in 1996 by resolution of the San Mateo City Council, City Arts of San Mateo was charged with the mission of promoting and stimulating interest in the arts and enhancing opportunities for the residents of San Mateo to enjoy and participate in them. City Arts of San Mateo has a history of promoting and expanding the arts in the community, usually in cooperation with civic, educational and business organizations or City Departments. City Arts of San Mateo obtained non-profit organizational status in 2000.
The Board meets monthly with an annual meeting in November. Annual reports are filed with the Parks and Recreation Department, which dispenses an annual stipend to the organization. A member of the City Council serves as liaison with the City.